Thursday, March 19, 2015

Pinhole Photography Selfies!

In the previous lesson of Pinhole Photography, we scanned the photos that we developed so we could blow them up and print them out on an A3 piece of paper.
We also tried inverting them through Photoshop to see how it would turn out. 

Self portrait of a pinhole photographer advocate (#1)
This time around I wanted to try taking self portraits to see how accurately I could capture my face. My skills in this method of taking photographs are developing as I gain more experience in this medium.

The photo on the left was my first attempt at the self portrait and I found that the lettering on my shirt was very profound.

Inverted self portrait (#1)

On the right is my first inverted photograph. It turned out pretty well and shows my face very clearly.

The lettering on my shirt is very easy to see and so is the background.

Yet another self portrait (#2)

This photo was my second attempt at a self portrait but this time around I wanted to get more of my body in the photo. I stood a little further back this time and managed to capture some sections of my arms and a little bit more of the lettering on my shirt.

Inverted self portrait #2

The photograph on the right is what the above photo looks like when it is inverted.

Now you can clearly see the subject of the photo (me).

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